Drinking Water And Weight Loss?

 I'm sure that at one time or another someone, maybe your doctor, dietitian, mother, or whomever has told you to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day for good health. This advice is usually considered some where between urban legend and an old wife's tale.

But before you ignore the advice next time, drinking water helps you with any diet or weight loss program. Drinking water and weight loss go hand in hand. Increasing your water intake can help with any weight loss diet. Water is good for you in several ways. 

It helps you flush impurities out of your system, a natural cleansing of sorts. It also is required for muscles, kidneys, and your liver to operate at optimum capacity. In fact if you're like most people who don't drink enough water, your body goes into the hording mode and stores water for later use. And that is weight around your ankles, thighs, hips, and belly area you don't need.

Once you start drinking more water, the body will start to release this stored water and your metabolism will pick up the pace. Which means more natural calorie burning. Another weight loss improvement from drinking water.

Even your skin benefits for being properly hydrated. The elasticity and proper skin tone will improve dramatically. Muscles show more tone and function better when properly hydrated. So work outs and exercising results will improve.

Drinking more water should be spread out over the entire day. If you keep water around and sip on it frequently, it's better for your body and won't interfere with most activities. 

It doesn't have to be the high priced bottled water either. You can fill up right from the tap and it's just as good. There has been some bad press on plastic containers, and that the plastic is filling up our landfills. Which is probably not a good thing so skip the bottled water and bring own in a reusable container that's safe.

Coffee, tea, sodas, and other drinks don't count as water. Two reasons, the caffeine in all three is a diuretic, which means it will actually dehydrates your body. And the sugar is not a good thing, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

Drinking more water helps with your appetite too. If you drink a full glass of water right before you eat, you will eat less since you will feel full even with a light meal. 

You don't need to chug large quantities of water once a day. In fact that's not a good thing for anyone. Drinking water frequently throughout the day is healthy and a good habit to develop by itself. Throw in the weight loss advantages and you have a powerful ally in your weight loss efforts.

So the next time someone tells you to drink more water, do it. Drinking water and weight loss are both good for your natural health. You'll feel and look better, have more energy, burn more calories naturally. 

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