Diet Reviews Of The Top Internet Diet Plans

 The quick Diet Reviews below fit several different types of people and goals. It's important to pick a diet plan that works for you and your lifestyle. You need to have everything on your side when you start any diet. Weight loss is one of the most challenging tasks even though there are many weight loss solutions available that can work.

Our reviews are not meant to be in depth analysis of every facet of each diet. Our goal is to give you enough information about the four most popular diets to help you choose which one to investigate further. Think of our reviews as a view from 20,000 feet to give you a quick overview of each diet plan that gives you a quick analysis. 

The first few days, even the first week, is the most difficult on any diet. So make it easy on yourself and pick one that fits you personally. The good news is that many dieters do get some positive results in the beginning which can help motivate them to continue. In our diet reviews we try and show both the good and the possible bad of any of the diets below.

It may take you several attempts to find what works for you. Not all diets work for all people. And the latest diets in the news aren't always the best, it depends on you and your goals. The key is not to give up. In our quick reviews we chose the top four diet plans and all have been popular and effective for many people. Any weight loss plan needs to address your particular needs and work with your lifestyle.

Loosing weight is a difficult challenge. It takes self discipline and a will to succeed. Never attempt any radical dieting methods that could impact your health and make sure you consult a physician if you have any known health issues to consider.

Many weight loss reviews don't consider the individual and are based on short term results. If you want to lose weight for the long term, it requires more than just a quick fix. Any diet that requires radical methods, diet pills or supplements, and makes promises too good to be true are not going to be sustainable over the long haul.

The four different diets we review below cover the basics and can help you determine which is the best for you. Each one takes a slightly different approach based on individual goals. All have solid reputations and adhere to some very good healthy changes to help you keep the weight off. And that is a very good thing.

Our Reviews On The Most Popular Diet Plans

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

If you're looking for a simple and straight forward approach to weight loss, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is it. This is the easiest diet plan to follow for most people.

I'll be honest, the thing that attracted me first was they mention that they have figured out how to overcome the alcohol deal (you can have your glass of wine). That alone pushed me over the edge to give it a try.

If you have 10 pounds you want to lose now this diet will work. It does require a little planning but nothing more than buying the right food to eat at the grocery store or making the proper selection when eating out.

It has step by step instructions on what to eat and when. No radical starvation methods, and no big denial of favorite foods, and you can achieve some pretty fast results.

Lots of freedom of choices in the meal planning. You can set your own preferences. This is another huge factor that makes this diet plan more acceptable to the average person.

There is both an online meal planning guide and a book with the 10 Rules Of Weight Loss. Simple but effective methods that help you lose weight.

The eating four meals instead of the standard three is a common suggestion by several diets. Most of the meal planning cuts back on carbs but it really isn't a low carb type diet plan.

How did I do in my first 11 days? Well, I didn't lose 9 lbs I'm sorry to say. But I did lose 7 lbs and never really got hungry. That's saying a lot. And I didn't spend a lot of time counting calories, preparing special meals, or have to buy some mediocre packaged foods.

There are some very good tips that will help you learn to combine the right foods to help you burn more fat. It also allows you to eliminate the bad fats and still get the fats that you need for good nutrition.

I use this for when I fall off the wagon (yes, it does happen) to jump back into proper eating habits. It's simple but effective, as the name implies. And I should add that it is also pretty painless.

Easy to work into any lifestyle, whether you eat out or eat at home. And you don't have to force it on your family. Although you could easily put the whole family on this diet and not get complaints. In fact this is a great diet that the whole family can be on with no extra cost in food and no additional hassles in meal planning.

Pros: Easy to understand and follow meal guides. Good info on what to eat and when. No radical methods or crazy work outs. No expensive low calorie food to buy. Something that you can put the whole family on and they probably won't even know they are on a diet.

Cons: No one on one support from the website. But the diet plan is so easy to understand I doubt you will need any.

The diet Solution Review

The Diet

If you are looking for a long term and healthy weight loss program, The Diet Solution will do that very well. Isabel De Los Rios, a certified nutritionist, is the creator of the The Diet Solution weight loss program. Isabel owns a nutrition and fitness center, New Body, in New Jersey. She also has a degree in Exercise Physiology from Rutgers University. This gal knows her stuff and has created a great program for those people who want to eat more healthy and lose weight too.

The first step in this diet program is to determine what body type and metabolism fits you the best. This is one of our mantras on our website and our biggest complaint about many diets, everyone is different and there is rarely one size fits all diet. So we were impressed right off the bat.

Once you have determined your body type and metabolism there are meal plans for up to twenty days that include recipes and snacks. We especially agreed with avoiding processed foods and many of the popular diet foods.

But the real kicker for us was the chapter on how to get your head around changing your eating habits. Mental attitude and addressing some of the ruts we fall into with bad eating habits is important and often overlooked by many diet programs.

The food choices are designed around unprocessed and natural foods. Forget all those TV dinners (no matter if they are low calorie) and convenience foods. And this also includes supplements of any kind since the foods, if chosen properly, will provide all the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need.

In addition to the healthy eating, there are also exercises and informaton on fitness in general. The key two types of exercise recommended are cardiovascular and resistance methods with photos and instructions. You can easily start slow and build up your routines to match your needs.

I doubt you will find a more well rounded, scientifically based diet program than The Diet Solution. Isabel De Los Rios does a great job of presenting information and provides some very good scientific logic to every phase. If you want to adopt a more healthy lifestyle, better eating habits, and maintain a proper weight, this diet is an excellent choice.

Pros: One of the best things about The Diet Solution in our opinion is that it is based on your individual needs by body type. The methods used are holistic (and firmly backed up by science) and include a clear focus on nutritional values. The Diet Solutions program does this by concentrating on the bodies ability to process foods properly by choosing the foods that are best for your particular body type and metabolism to achieve the best long term health.

Cons: If you are looking for a quick fix to lose 10 pounds, this is not your best choice. This is a long term, change your eating habits, exercising, and about making changes in lifestyle. You will lose weight and get healthy, just not in 10 days or less. And you will need a little extra time to plan and prepare your meals.

Fat Burning Furnance Review

Fat Burning Furnace Review

This is a great diet plan if you don't mind exercise and weight training. That's the main thrust on the Fat Burning Furnace diet plan. There is a section on nutrition and eating right too. The exercises can be done 2-3 times a week for about 25-30 minutes and allows for beginners or people who have never really exercised before.

Weight training exercises can burn calories long after the exercise is over. That is a known fact and why it's often recommended for weight loss. The publisher has designed several weight exercises that offer the maximum calorie burn rate with the minimum time and trouble.

The information on nutrition and diet are well presented. This is where most people will really be excited since there is little here about eliminating your favorite foods. There's also recommendations on what foods to eat to burn more calories and a sample meal plan for a day. A website with special recipes is also recommended.

There are multiple levels, Deluxe, Ultimate, and Blowtorch Upgrade. There's a written guide of 158 pages in the Deluxe and 3 months of email support. The Ultimate doesn't cost any more and gives you access to two tools, a Bodyfat Analyzer and Metabolic Rate Calculator. The Ultimate also includes a Progress Tracker and 12 months of email support. The Blowtorch provides everything mentioned plus a 21 page Guide with 7 videos on workouts outlined in the guide. The prices are 39.97 for Deluxe and Ultimate or $69.97 for Blowtorch version with the videos.

There are a lot of impressive testimonials from people that have had good success on both losing weight and shaping up. The exercises are easy in the first two versions and then the Blowtorch version gets very detailed with specific areas of the body targeted. For most people the first two would be more than enough but if you want to really get into shape and work on your appearance the Blowtorch version would be best.

Pros: Well written and offers both the why and how these exercises burn more calories. Offers good information on nutrition and diet considerations. No starving is necessary, just smart choices. Provides easy email support for questions after you purchase.

Cons: Exercise with weights is the core of the program. You'll need access to weights or maybe a gym membership to properly do most of the exercises although it does mention ways to use your own bodyweight for some. For people who hate exercise, this may not be the best choice.

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review

If you also want to shape up your entire body while you lose some weight, the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle diet is probably the best method for you. This guy is the real deal and offers some good and very effective body building and weight loss advice.

I also had issues with feeling tired and not having any energy, and this program helped me a lot. My energy and endurance is has improved 100%.

I would compare this book to having the your own personal trainer guiding you through the maze. Tom Venuto will help you develop a plan to burn fat and get in great physical shape too.

Tom is a world champion in bodybuilding and provides over 300 pages of good information on both losing weight and gaining muscle.

This book has chapters on every aspect of weight loss. The book has sections on Motivation, Body Types, Foods and Meal Planning, Cardio Training, Weight Training, and Supplements.

Tom has an easy to read style that walks you through every aspect of his recommended cardio and weight training.

The information about food and how to eat healthy will help you adopt a more healthy choice in eating habits.

Tom also dispels many myths on health supplements and why most people don't need them. 

I saw good results in tone and shape of my body as a whole. And there was no pain. I actually enjoy exercise now.

If you want to get that body back into shape and learn how exercise can help, this would be a good fit.

This book helped me loose inches off my waist and also improve my overall fitness. 

Pros: Good overall plan to help you get into shape and loose weight. Step by step methods that can help anyone. Very well balanced program for people to live healthy and feel better.

Cons: It is a lot of reading, over 300 pages. Not everyone likes to exercise, and it takes some dedication to follow through.

Diet Reviews That Help You Make The Best Choice

These weight loss program reviews can help you select the best diet for your lifestyle and goals. All of these diets have some merit and can work if properly followed. Throw in a little motivation and will power and you will lose weight. Attitude and perseverance is the key to success in any diet.

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