Easy Diet Plans

 OK, easy for one person might not be easy for another. So an easy diet plan can be different for each type of person. Weight loss is a challenge for most people to begin with so keeping it easy and simple is often the path or least resistance. I'm going to break out the three basic diet plans that seem to work well for many and each has a very easy method of dieting although slightly different.

A lot of people like diet plans that provide step by step methods and have clear and simple instructions. These people want a daily menu, lists of food that you can and cannot eat, and clear explanation of expected results. There are really only two diet plans that fit this description.

  • The number one easiest diet plan that doesn't necessitate the buying of prepared low calorie food is Fat Loss 4 Idiots. They provide menus of meals that anyone can follow, are very easy to plan and help you lose weight. They also have a great forum where dieters can help motivate eacy other and provide some positive feedback. It's the simplest and probably most cost effective diet plan I've used and reviewed. You can read the full review here: Diet Reviews. 
  • Another good choice would be the commercial types of diet plans that nurse you through the process and provide everything to include the food. The top one is probably Jenny Craig,  There are two gotcha's on Jenny Craig and other types of provided food plans. One is the cost, around $400+ per person a month and the second is that once you stop eating (and buying) their food the weight loss stops although they do try to help you change your eating habits to more healthy and low calorie.

For those of you that like to include getting in shape with your diet plan, there are some choices that include some serious exercise and weight lifting. It's been proven that doing weight exercises help create a longer calorie burn, which is a very good thing when trying to loss weight.

  • I think one of the best of these types of diet plans is Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle also in the diet reviews. Burn the Fat also involves exercise that can be started slow and then increased as your abilities improve and in recent years a good weight lifting program has proved to be very effective in weight loss due to the long calorie burning period.

And the third type of people are looking for ways to get healthy and lose weight. They also may have a medical condition, want to get on a more healthy diet, or even want to try all vegetables for awhile.

  • The RAW Diet plan is popular and appears to work for people who are willing to go with a strict vegetable diet plan.  
  • The Free Detox Diet plan is good too. You rid yourself of many toxic chemicals and additives found in many process foods. This allows your natural fat burning to kick in and encourages you to eat food that doesn't have all that bad stuff added.

And the last group of people are ones that want to change their lifestyle and keep the weight off. They are willing to go a little slower, make their own rules (based on facts, not fads), and have the discipline to stick to their diet.

  • If you feel you are in this last group, you will have to do a little research into what calories each food has, keep a running tab on daily intake, train yourself to make smart choices on what you eat each day. One of the key elements in long term changes is to start using portions control so you don't deny yourself but control the amount of each item you eat. You'll also want to incorporate some moderate exercise like walking or aerobics at least 3-5 times a week to add some calorie burning to your life. What makes this diet plan easy is you make the choices and are in complete control.

I think the key to any diet plan is to try and match them up with individual lifestyles, specific goals, and even personalities. If you go with something you will stick to, that's one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. And if you find what works best for your lifestyle, you will undoubtedly have a much better chance of long term success. 

Not everyone wants to do exercise, or count calories, or eat prefab food. But I'll bet you can find one of the above diet plans that could be easier for you. Try to figure out what would be the best choice based on you and you'll have a much greater chance of success. And any diet plan that encourages a healthy diet for the long haul is a good thing.

Little things can add to any diet plan. Portion control, walking more each week, drinking more water, and thinking about what you eat. These small little extras can help almost anyone see better results with less pain from any of the easy diet plans mentioned above.

In fact, small changes can make a big difference and are much less painful to implement than going radical. Adding an 30 minutes of light exercise three times a week, not getting the super size meals, drinking more water, and making better choices like broiled instead of fried foods will benefit anyone. These small changes are both healthy and offer painless ways to lose some weight. You can see a lot of weight loss tips that you can actually make into your own diet plan here: Weight Loss Tips. 

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