South Beach Diet


South Beach Diet Basic Philosophy:  The south beach diet origin from south beach area of Miami by Dr Arthur Agatson.  South beach diet promote eating of good carb fruit and vegetables are not recommended, between south beach diet phase 1 and 2. 

South beach diet promote eating good carbs and good fats spread over 6 meals/snacks a day will balance blood levels of glucose, insulin, cholesterol and other coronary heart disease (CHD) markers. While the author claims that the diet is neither low carb nor low fat, it really is generally a high protein, high fiber, low carb and low animal fat diet.

South beach diet was initially developed to help prediabetic and/or heart disease patients with high levels of (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides as well as glucose levels. Weight loss was a side effect that prompted the writing up of the prescribed diet into the book. Thus, the main thrust of south beach diet plan is to keep glucose and insulin levels even, and to lower (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides. Weight loss should follow automatically.  This is achieved by completely avoiding refined carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed and high on the glycemic index, and by avoiding man-made trans fatty acids as well as saturated animal fats. No references cited for the exclusion of saturated fats.

Eating eggs, fish, seafood, chicken or turkey breast, lean ham, nearly all vegetables and drinking lots of water is encouraged in south beach diet, as well as moderate amounts of nearly all fruits, nuts, other low fat meats, whole grain bread, pasta and rice, olive or canola oil and a glass of red wine a day. South beach diet do not allowed any food products containing sugar, fruit juices, potatoes, refined grains (bread, pasta, white rice), regular diary, fatter cuts of beef, poultry and pork, butter, and beer.

South Beach Diet Method: 

South beach diet phase 1 is the strictest and is suggested for the first 2 weeks. It is also suggested to return to phase 1 after cheats. In phase 1, no fruit, alcohol or whole grain carbohydrate is allowed – only fish, eggs, lean meats, limited low fat diary and leafy vegetables are eaten – though no carbohydrates are counted during south beach diet.  

In phase 2 of south beach diet, fruit, nuts, whole grain products, red wine if desired are added gradually. It is recommended to add one such product at a time and to see what happens before adding more.

Phase 3 or maintenance has no forbidden foods – it is expected that one follows the principles that were learned in the plan for life in general, but exceptions are allowed.

 Typical Menu For South Beach Diet: 

  • Breakfast small glass vegetable juice, a vegetable quiche (based on eggs, spinach, onion, other vegetables and low fat cheese).

  • Midmorning snack: celery with low fat cheese

  • Lunch Large vegetable salad with shrimps or chicken breast

  • Snack low fat string cheese, nuts

  • Dinner Salmon with asparagus

  • Dessert/evening snack: low fat ricotta dessert with artificial sweetener and fruit

South Beach Diet Unique Fatures: 

Because of the hybrid nature of south beach diet between traditional low fat diets and Atkins, South beach diet is more acceptable for traditional nutritionists and medical professionals. Without counting calories, fat, or carbs, it may seem generous and somewhat subjective: in phase 2 of south beach diet, one is instructed to gradually add new items and watch what happens. Because of the stress on glucose, timing can be important in south beach diet, e.g. fruit is allowed in the evening but not morning.

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