The Bible Diet

 The Bible Diet is based on the Old Testament's Dietary Laws that were delivered by Moses at Mount Sinai. The Dietary Laws that Moses recorded are found in Leviticus Chapter 11 and Deuteronomy Chapter 14. These laws were used as a basis for what is called Kosher by those of the Jewish faith.

These Bible Dietary Laws basically state what Moses was told by God that certain animals were clean to eat, those with cloven hoofs and chewed cud, like cattle, goats, deer, sheep, and etc. Fish with fins and scales, insects from the locust family, were also acceptable since they were clean too. Pigs, camels, all carnivorous birds, sea creatures without scales or fins, most insects, rodents, reptiles, were unclean. So the jest of the laws detail what animals were clean and acceptable to eat, and those who were unclean and therefore should not be eaten.

There are also rules mentioned about the handling of these food items when preparing the meals. It states that any contact with any utensils to these unclean food items is forbidden and will contaminate the clean food and make it unacceptable to eat. As an example you can't cook clean food on a grill that unclean food has been cooked on, or use knifes or other kitchen accessories that have come into contact with any unclean food items.

As I mentioned above, strict Kosher methods of food choices and preparation or strict Vegan practices are the only acceptable way to choose and prepare food under the Bible Dietary Laws. No exceptions. Which pretty much eliminates any normal restaurant or eatery. Since they use the same preparation and culinary items to handle all foods.

Regardless of the many versions of this diet, if they don't adhere to these rules then they are not following the exact Bible Dietary Laws. Many are of the opinion that these were based on basic health and sanitation issues but there is no real mention to that effect in the Bible. Given the time period and conditions, many of these rules did have some health benefits for those who followed them.

This type of diet does require serious effort since most foods will have to be prepared properly even if the correct food items. So planning is essential and extra time and effort will be necessary. Not everyone has the time or the energy to follow this regime on a daily basis.

This type of diet is certainly healthy and most people will benefit from eliminating processed foods, chemicals, and modern additives. Weight loss is much easier when removing all of these items from their diet since many do contribute to weight gain and have little health vaue.

Any strict adherence to this diet with a little portion control and exercise will definitely help anyone to lose weight. But it will be a challenge to sustain this diet for any length of time. And it will also be expensive since special food preparation increases the cost dramatically. 

And many of the interpretations stray from the basic rules. This type of diet also requires a huge change in lifestyle and eating habits which may be difficult for most people. Eating out would be difficult and cravings would be high when removing so many previous food items.

If you can make the commitment, adhere to the strict rules, survive the initial withdrawal, and have the time and money this diet will probably help you lose weight. And the health benefits would certainly be a good side effect.

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