Exercise Tips For Weight Loss


Exercise and diet are the two key elements to weight loss. Changing your diet to include lower fat, lower calories, higher fiber, and protein is a necessary factor, but exercise is critical to getting your body healthy and keeping the weight off for the long term. Here's our best exercise tips for weight loss.

There are two major types of exercises that work very well for weight loss. Both are extremely important in your weight loss challenge. Cardiovascular and aerobic is the one we all hate because it is boring and it makes us sweat! The second type of exercise is weight training. Weight training has many advantages although some people just think it's for people to build muscles, which is a misconception. 

Cardio And Aerobic Exercise

Cardio workouts consist of any exercise that increases the work of the heart and lung. Walking, jogging, and running are the most popular cardio exercise methods. Others are swimming, biking, stepping devices, and other popular work out equipment that raises your heartbeat.

The benefits of cardio exercise are considerable and can both improve your health and keep you in pretty good shape. Medical benefits:

  • Reduced risk of heart disease
  • Improved heart function
  • Improved blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Improved muscle mass
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis

Depending on your age, you will want to determine what is the safest and most effective heart rate for your workout. Don’t exceed that heart rate because you can over exert yourself. Not to mention, exceeding your recommended heart rate does not provide extra weight loss results, so why push so hard?

You have several options for cardio workouts. The simplest is to take a brisk walk around your neighborhood or the track at your local high school. Make sure you walk at a rate that keeps your heart rate elevated enough. Walking for 30-60 minutes a day three or four times per week should provide optimum results. If you are a runner, bump your walk up to a run. The same rules apply and you also double the caloric burn rate.

Another good option is to ride your bike. Again, 30-60 minutes with your heart rate elevated provides maximum results. Be careful to ride where cars don’t have to dodge you or put you in a dangerous situation. That's one of the few drawbacks to bike riding, cars often occupy the same road.

If you belong to a gym, you can use any number of exercise machines they have available. My personal favorite is the elliptical. It wasn’t always my favorite, because it forces you to work hard, and it can get very hard to endure the first 15 minutes. A tip from my friend: if you can make the first 15 minutes, the rest is downhill. Breathe deeply and go at a pace that doesn’t take your heart rate too high.

A somewhat safer option to bike riding on the street is a stationary bike or a spinning bike. The stationary bike allows you to sit back, while the spinning bike requires you to lean forward like you are riding a racing bicycle. If you are just getting started or are significantly out of shape or are nursing an injury, a stationary bike is ideal for you. It causes very little strain on your joints, but gets your heart rate going.

Another good option at the gym will be a treadmill on which you can walk or run. The benefit of the treadmill is that it sets a pace for you so you can’t set out for a brisk walk and end up on a leisurely stroll. Well you can, but you’ll meet the neighbor behind you when you end up on the floor!

It doesn't really matter which cardio exercise you choose as long as you don't over do it and keep it safe. Inside or outside works the same although outside is more entertaining. Finding a exercise buddy (or two) is helpful in making sure you stick with any of the exercises you choose!

Weight Training for Weight Loss

The second type of weight loss exercise is weight training. This is the part some people are afraid of because they don’t want to “bulk up”. That is a big misconception. You won’t bulk up if you use the right amount of weight. Weight training allows you to develop strength in muscles that don’t get used in cardio workouts. You can focus on your abs, shoulders, arms, behind, or legs. 

Usually your best results come if you work one or two major muscle groups in any given session. Then give those muscles a rest as you work out the next set or two in the next workout. You can set up a system where each muscle group is getting worked out with low to moderate weight levels each week. You will begin to see muscle definition without muscle bulk. This muscle definition is often called "cuts" due to the shape of the muscle being exposed (but not bulging like professional weight lifters).

Weight lifting boosts your metabolic rate in both short and long term. That's the secret to success in losing weight and your metabolic rate continues to rise even well after your workout. Weight lifting will increase your total amount of lean muscle mass which can mean a permanent increase in metabolism.

Great Exercise Combination For Weight Loss

The best combination of exercise for weight loss is 30-60 minutes of cardio three to four times a week, followed by a weight training session of about 30 minutes. Alternate your muscle groups and watch the results roll in! You will be amazed by how dramatically your body shape will change in just a few days’ work.

For maximum results from your workout efforts, you change your daily diet. Began to eat more natural foods, eliminating a significant amount of the processed and fatty foods, and especially any sugar drinks. Drink plenty of water, and avoid excesses in those things you know aren’t good for you!

With just a little effort you can trim down your body, increase your muscle mass, and increase endurance and energy. Spend about 5-6 hours per week on you, and reap the benefits of weight loss and healthier lifestyle.

Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly

 cleansing of your colon, liver, and other important organs is beneficial to most people. But the process is brutal, tough to sustain for the recommended 10 days, and the weight loss can be temporary. The key to any successful long term weight management is to change your eating habits to a more healthy diet.

Fat Burning Exercises

The key to successful fat burning is consistency. Fat is stored in the body for energy. The body needs fat to fuel it when it works hard. The problem comes when there is too much fat that cannot be burned off in regular activity. It doesn’t take long for fat to build up, but it does take a while to begin to burn it off in noticeable ways.

If you are just beginning a fat-burning exercise program, don’t be discouraged if you don’t see huge results immediately. They will come if you keep going.

The body is continually using some fat as it goes about its daily operations. That means as you exercise, the body is using some of the fat you have stored. After continual cardiovascular exercise for 20 minutes or more, your brain sends a signal to the fat deposits to let go of a flood of fat cells at once. When those are released, the body will burn off more fat than it will if you are resting. The first 20 minutes of your workout are important, because the “prime the pumps” to get the fat burning process going. But remember, the more you can keep your cardio workout going over 20 minutes, the more productive fat burning you will experience.

Cardiovascular workouts are those that get your heart pumping. These are the exercises that will provide the best fat-burning results. Many people think that the harder the workout, the better the results, but that is not the case. For best results, choose a moderately difficult workout and set a slow and steady pace. Overworking your body can cause damage, which dramatically slows down your results.

You don’t want to work your body beyond what it can take, but you want to push past the point of discomfort. You should experience difficulty breathing normally, but you should still be able to talk to a girlfriend with some breathlessness. The best way to know how hard to push is to monitor your heart rate. Know your maximum heart rate, and keep your workout in the healthiest parameters for your body.

Now that we’ve established the desired parameters for your workout, let’s look at what exercises can produce results.

You have several cardiovascular exercise options. One of the most popular is walking. You can walk anywhere. Do you like to be outdoors? Take a walk in your neighborhood, or at the high school track, or in the local park. Do you hate the humidity? Walk around the mall, or find an indoor track at a sports facility. If you prefer to use a machine to calculate your distance, calories burned, or heart rate, you may decide to join a gym or purchase a treadmill.

Running is another popular option, though not for everyone. The key to running is to establish a pace that you can keep going for a long while. If you begin too fast, you find yourself dropping to a walk, and often that walk gets too slow to be an effective fat-burning exercise. Running too slow doesn’t get your heart rate up to where it should be. If you don’t know, begin by running on a treadmill that will help you get used to a pace that is comfortable and effective for you.

My personal favorite is the elliptical machine because it provides variety in muscles worked as well as difficulty. I can change the crossramp, which is the angle at which I am climbing, or increase the resistance without even missing a step. I can also set a variety of programs, which keeps me from getting too bored. I like to bring a book, watch TV, or listen to my favorite music. Anything to keep my brain engaged helps me to cross that 20 minute barrier and keep up that fat-burning exercise.

One of the most popular activities I see at the gym is the stationary bike. While it is not my favorite, many people enjoy it, and it is quite effective at fat burning. If you use the bike with a slow and steady pace and keep your heart rate up for in excess of 20 minutes, you are good to go!You may also decide to play a sport. Athletics are a fun way to engage in fat-burning activities with friends, without knowing you’re burning fat! Try basketball, soccer, or other sport that keeps you moving and your heart rate up.

Remember, burning those fat deposits takes a commitment to exercising more than 20 minutes at a time. You will see maximum results if you commit to working out three to four times per week. Don’t be discouraged if you miss a workout from time to time. Every workout counts when burning fat, so don’t quit if you miss two or three workouts. Jump right back in and pick up where you left off!

Fat burning exercises can help with any diet or weight loss program. Increasing your fat burning exercises is the best way to burn off excess fat deposits. So find the exercise you enjoy most and jump in with both feet. You will see the fat burn off and your figure become more what you want it to be!

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