Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly

 We all want to lose weight quickly, and we get discouraged when the pounds don’t fall off like we hoped they would. But there are some exercises that are going to produce better results than others, and you can use these exercises to lose weight quickly.

One thing to realize before you begin a workout plan to lose weight is that fat weighs less than muscle. As you begin to convert the fat that is stored in your body to lean muscle, you may well see your waist size go down, while your weight goes up slightly at least or does not fall. Don’t be discouraged. Lean muscle is what you want, and you will see the weight fall off as you tone the muscle within a couple weeks of beginning your efforts.

As I began to address my workout woes, I realized that I was carrying unwanted weight in a couple key places; namely my backside and waist. I wanted to focus on toning up those areas, so I addressed them specifically. 

I understood the importance of a combination of cardio workouts and weight training or muscle strengthening, so I had to decide what was the best cardio workout for me. I decided to use the elliptical machine at my gym. It has different settings so I can work my hips, thighs and calves at varying levels throughout the same workout by changing the ramp setting on the machine. I don’t even have to get off or slow down, because the machine does it all for me.

Another key to making my cardio workout effective was to be sure that the rest of my body was in the right positions to gain maximum benefit. That means that in order for my core to benefit from the cardio workout, I had to hold my shoulders back and my abs up while I worked out. I could slouch and let those muscles relax, but I would miss the great benefit of the workout. My legs would look great, but my belly would not change! That was not acceptable.

I began by setting my elliptical at 30 minutes with a varying program of difficulty. I would use a pre-programmed setting to gradually build me up to a maximum workout, which then let down to allow my body to cool off before getting off the machine.

As the workout became more bearable, and dare I say, easier, I began to increase the intensity or the incline, or the time. Any of these three changes created variety in my routine, which was key to keeping me going back to the gym. If you struggle to keep going because of boredom, try a personal music player or a book or magazine that will keep your mind busy while your body works.

If you are going to invest your time in a cardio workout, make the effort to include a weight training or muscle strengthening session. It will add 20-30 minutes to your workout time, but the results will be worth it. If I do a hard cardio workout, my legs usually feel like rubber, so I focus my weight time on core training or arms. 

Core weight training or muscle strengthening focuses on your abs, obliques (the muscles on the sides of your ribcage), and back muscles. If I am not using prescribed weight machines for each of these muscle groups, I may use a medicine ball or a body ball. Your gym will have descriptions of the methods for using any of their equipment, so don’t be afraid to ask. You can hurt yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you choose to purchase your own equipment for use at home, always read the instructions. If you purchase a medicine ball or a body ball, most manufacturers include instructions for different exercises you can do.

If I am working my arms, I usually stick to the weight machines designed to help me develop those muscles. Another way to improve the strength of your arms and shoulders is with free weights. If you have never used free weights before, be sure to ask someone the proper form for using them. 

You can cause serious injury by using them improperly, or by using too much weight. The people at your gym are paid to help you. Ask them!
If you choose to purchase weights and use them at home, please be sure to work out when someone is home to help you in case of emergency. Make sure they are close enough to hear you call, or better yet, in the room and can see if you have an emergency that requires someone to help you.

Getting yourself healthy is the best reason to lose weight. It will improve the way you look at yourself, the way others look at you (whether we like to admit it or not), and the way you feel and function. Eating right, burning excess calories, and getting the proper cardiovascular exercise are all important parts of a successful weight loss plan. You can use exercises to lose weight quickly if you combine the right methods with a diet.

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