Free Detox Diet

 OK, I've been trying to ignore all the free detox diet questions and different methods. One of the biggest reasons is any radical diet will not survive the test of time. When you stress yourself physically and mentally, the chances of failure increase dramatically. Plus the most popular free detox diet is not a diet at all, it's a way to cleanse your body of unhealthy elements that you have absorbed in eating poorly for years.

A cleansing of your colon, liver, and other important organs is beneficial to most people. But the process is brutal, tough to sustain for the recommended 10 days, and the weight loss can be temporary. The key to any successful long term weight management is to change your eating habits to a more healthy diet.

It is often called the Lemonade Diet since it has lemon juice but the original name is Master Cleanse. And this is no Lemonade that you have ever tasted before, due to the unusual ingredients.

A fellow by the name of Stanley Burroughs wrote a book on a method of detoxifying your body some 50 years ago and most modern methods are loosely based on this book. You can still find the book, the title is "Master Cleanse" and is available for around $6.50 at most popular bookstores. At the time of writing, there were no were near the processed foods and amount of pollution that there is today. So in one sense this is a much more effective and beneficial cleansing in modern times.

Before you jump into this type of radical diet, you should check with your doctor. Most healthy people won't be at risk for a short time on this type of diet. But if you are taking medication for some other illness, or have a current medical condition, always consult your doctor.

Before you start the diet it is recommended that you do a Salt Wash which is 16 ounces of filtered water and one tablespoon of Sea Salt. You can also drink a cup of herbal laxative tea. Some people continue this throughout the 10 days of the diet.

OK, here's the actual recommendations and recipe for the free diet 

  • 10 oz of filtered water
  • 1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
  • 2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup 
  • 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice

The recipe above is for one serving of the drink, and it is recommended that you have 6-12 drinks per day. There are approximately 110 calories per serving. Of course these are what are called empty calories, there is no nutritional value. Using filtered water and organic ingredients is important. The recommended time is 3-10 days based on your ability to handle the side effects.

How does this taste? Like lemonade with pepper. The pepper is not pronounced but you do know it's there. Many who like hot spicy food will actually like it I'm sure. Those who would like to avoid the pepper taste can buy capsules of cayenne pepper and take 2 with the drink without pepper.

Now what are the common side effects? Well, here's just a few:

  • The first three days cause your body to revolt
  • Hunger pangs are significant, even painful
  • Headaches from caffeine and other stimulants withdrawal
  • Aches and pains from joints and muscles
  • Nausea, diarrhea, cramps, even dizziness

What you are doing is denying your body basic nutrition and are using a shock treatment. Every standard reaction your body normally has with food intake or lack thereof is effected. That is why it is so effective for most people. You are changing the natural behavior that your body has adopted over the years from your eating habits.

The lemon juice helps to stave off hunger, the pepper helps break down the impurities, and the maple syrup gives you some energy. If you continue the herbal tea and salt wash they help you eliminate the waste. All three elements are important and organic brands are also necessary to keep any new impurities from being introduced.

Most people say that the first three days are the most difficult. But on the fourth day your body starts to adapt and you actually feel better. By the time you reach the 5th or 6th day your body has adapted and you have plenty of energy and start feeling the benefits. 

What are the benefits of this free detox diet? 

Many people say that they no longer crave sugar, sweeteners, or junk food in general. Cleansing your colon and other organs often reduces or eliminates common allergies, acne, and other illnesses that can be caused by impurities and processed foods. Most people state that it was difficult but more than worth the benefits they enjoyed after the free detox diet.

If you stay on the diet for the full ten days it allows your body to change and therefore helps you to change your eating habits. On the 11th day you can have a glass of orange juice (1/2 water) to start your digestive system back up gradually. The 12th day you start eating some vegetable broth or soup to slowly get back to digesting food. Then on the 13th day you start eating vegetables like carrots and celery to increase the intake of solid foods. 

Is this free detox diet for you? It could be, depending on your will power and motivation. There are less severe ways to detox your body, but they also don't provide the body altering results. One of the most often mentioned benefits is the change in attitude and easy elimination of sugar and junk food after completing the diet. That is probably the biggest incentive for most people.

There is a highly recommended book that helps people better deal with the extremes of the free detox diet. It's called "Master Cleanse Secrets" and offers many ways to lessen the impact, increase the weight loss, and give most people a better chance of completing the entire 10 days. 

Once again, always consult your doctor before going on any diet. If you have health issues, make sure you don't do anything that would jeopardize your health.

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