Lose Weight Fast And Safe

 Here's a great way to quickly lose weight that's both easy and healthy. You want to be sure that you are in good health, no medical issues, and if you take prescriptions of any type you should check with the doctor about in weight loss plan. These suggestions come from several readers and have worked well for them. Of course everyone is different so you may not do quite as well or you may even do better.

This is a simple way to lose weight fast and safe by cutting back on the calories but still providing the nutrition you body needs. It's like combining many of the best methods from several different popular diets. There's no starving involved and most people can easily adapt to the plan.

There are three basic components to the diet plan. One is to eat some of the right foods that have shown to be energy burners (calorie burners). The is to limit the amount of calories you take in on any given day. And to help raise your metabolism and work on the belly fat, walking a few hours a week.

In order to get an idea of what type of success you might have you should create a baseline. This is fairly easy and it doesn't have to be exact. Sit down and write down a few days worth of eating history. Don't cheat, put everything down day by day for 3-4 days. You can look up the calories that each item represents from any calorie counter book or website.

So let's say you average about 2800 calories a day right now (that is the average for most people). So what we are going to do is try and cut that number down by at least a third to 1800. So we will save 1000 calories for the five days or a total of 5000.

So we also would like to add some simple exercise to burn a few more calories per day or over all in the five day period. Walking at a moderate pace for an hour will burn approximately 325 calories (or a total of 1625 calories for the five days). This will help burn calories but it also has shown that it really helps with the waistline and belly area too. A good trick to burn a few more calories and improve your cardio too is to increase your speed 2-3 times during this walking, and you may burn an extra 50-75 calories too.

Another well known fact is most people don't drink enough water everyday. What this does is creates a scenario where your body is never sure when more water is coming so it stores a good portion just in case. So if you increase your water intake, you body soon learns that it will get water and will start releasing the stored amounts. Water is heavy and it also has a tendency to bloat many people. So any reduction of water storage has a big benefit on losing weight and your appearance.

So lets say we retrain our bodies to drop the stored water and that's worth another 2 pounds of weight loss over the five days. So now se have about 6875 calories that we have cut back or burned over the five days which will equal about 2 pounds of weight (a pound of weight is equal to approximated 3500 calories). So we have a good shot of dropping about 4+ pounds in the five day period.

So that's the numbers in our lose weight fast and safe plan, now lets look how we drop that 2800 calories down to 1800 or below. You always want to eat breakfast, and make sure there is some protein involved. High protein foods take more calories to digest so you want to have some at every meal, especially early in the day to start the calories burning early. So give your self at least 350 calories for breakfast.

Here's a good example of a balanced breakfast:

Two pieces of Whole Wheat Toast, nonfat butter - 105 calories
Boiled egg - 76 calories
Medium Orange - 62 calories
Coffee, with a touch of cream and sugar - 80 calories

Total calories is 323 - with lots of protein and balanced nutrition.
(for those with cholesterol issues, go for bran or soy food item)

OK, you can also have a snack before lunch (and one between lunch and dinner too). Snacks are good in that many keep your energy up and can help with any hunger pangs. Good snack items are fruit, popcorn, or fish or anything you like that is 75-100 calories, and very few of those being fat. Here's a quick calorie count on several possibilities:

Apple - 72 calories
Banana - 105 calories
Half a Grapefruit - 52 calories
Cup of Cranberries - 44 calories
Medium Orange - 62 calories
Cup of Pineapple - 70 calories
1 oz of Tuna - 100 calories
Boiled Egg - 76 calories
Air popped Popcorn - 100 calories

Lunch is easy, get a Lean Cuisine meal that you like. Most are under 350 calories and have a balanced selection of protein and nutritious items. They are also surprisingly filling. And since we allow about 500 calories, you can add something equal to 150 calories.

Dinner gets a little trickier. Since dinner is often a social event and you may be eating out, it requires a little more thought and paying attention to menu items. We have about 625 calories budgeted for dinner so you do have a lot of possibilities. A grilled meat or fish entree, roasted vegetables, and a garden salad with Balsamic Vinegar dressing can be about 600 calories. Many restaurants offer low cal meals and list the calories so just stick to the 625 calorie limit.

You can mix and match any food items as long as you stick to the numbers. It's a good idea to stay away from fried foods, sugar, and foods with high fat content. Watch our for hidden calories in sauces, dressings, and condiments. Always keep a running count but don't go to crazy since it's impossible to be exact.

That's it, a lose weight fast and safe diet plan with no huge hurdles or starving yourself. Remember to drink lots of water, about a 12 oz bottle every couple of hours. This also helps to fill you up so you won't be hungry all the time and it will help your body stop hording water. A good multivitamin and minerals taken each day can help keep all your daily requirements in check. 

The content on this site is presented only for informational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a practicing physician

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