Top 10 Best Energy Drinks

 What is the best energy drink available you may be asking? The internet has made it a lot easier to grab some of the best energy drinks relatively cheaply and with almost no hassle involved.  How can you know which are the top energy drinks though unless you have researched the market extensively?  The good news for you is that we have researched the market and based on that research we have assembled a top 10 list for best energy drinks.

1st Place: Bawls Guarana Energy Drink

Bawls has actually been around for a long time, but only recently has it started to get the accolades that it truly deserves.  This is partially because of the rediscovery of guarana as being a great energy ingredient and partially because the internet has allowed for the faster flow of information regarding lesser known products.  People have tried this particular drink and certified it as being one of the best around.  Guarana is a strong ingredient and overall this drink is quite reasonably priced as well.  For all these reasons and more, Bawls Guarana Energy Drink has made it to the top of our list of the best energy drinks around.  

2nd Place: Rockstar Energy Drink

No list of the top energy drinks could be complete without the inclusion of the Rockstar brand of energy drinks.  That having been said, there is a relatively large amount of debate regarding where on that list this particular drink should be placed.  Many would argue that a 2nd place spot for this drink is a little too high, but the fact of the matter is that those people are not really looking at the results.  

Consider the fact that Rockstar Energy Drink has had one of the best track records of the online mainstream marketed drinks.  Then consider the fact that within its list of ingredients is guarana, gingko, ginseng and milk thistle.  With the possible exception of milk thistle, all of the other three ingredients have scientific backing as being able to either directly or indirectly increase your energy level.  With that kind of firepower, this drink is certainly deserving of the high spot that we’ve given it in this list.  

3rd Place: 5-Hour Energy Drink

The 5-hour energy drink is a bit of a lone bird when it comes to the energy drink industry.  This is because it has risen to a level of prominence that places it within the top echelon of energy drinks without actually having been around that long.  This is remarkable for this particular industry, but the internet is really what has fuelled this particular drink’s meteoric rise to power.  With a power-packed list of ingredients and a volume per serving that is quite a bit lower than most of the other energy drinks, it is really the density of energy power that you get from this drink that makes it one of the better ones around.  It is also that aspect of it that fascinates most reviewers.  

4th Place: FRS Healthy Energy Drink

Even though it is not one of the three top energy drinks, the FRS healthy energy drink certainly has enough bang and pop to make it into the top five of this list of the ten best energy drinks.  The main source of power for this particular energy drink is a substance that is known as quercetin.  If you’ve never heard of this substance before, the good news is that you are definitely in the majority as far as that opinion is concerned.  It is nevertheless a very powerful ingredient that most people would know from different fruits and vegetables if they know it at all. This is one of those natural energy-boosting drinks and it is easily one of the best in the business from that particular niche within the energy drink industry.  

5th Place: Monster Energy Drink

The Monster energy drink is most definitely a drink that most people have heard of.  A lot of the reviewers around will have this particular drink ranked higher than the 5th spot, but that is really where the strength of the internet debate comes in.  From our point of view, the main reason that this drink is down in the 5th spot is that it doesn’t really seem to be able to produce the same consistent results that the other drinks do.  There are many people that use this drink regularly and love it, but when the larger marketing budget of this drink is taken into account that translates into fewer genuine votes per capita for this drink than for the ones above it.  Nevertheless, it remains a potent drink in our list of the top energy drinks.  With guarana, caffeine and glucose as three of the main ingredients, this drink will definitely give you a boost in energy.  That makes it one of our best energy drinks around.  

6th Place: NOS Energy Drink

Starting the second half of our list of the best energy drinks is the NOS energy drink.  This is easily one of the best energy drinks around.  It has a number of energy-boosting vitamins as part of its inner circle of ingredients, not to mention carbohydrates that could definitely give you the extra boost that you need for a fitness workout or a particular sporting event.  The excess amounts of sugar and sodium in this drink are really what force it into a lower position than most others, but even those cannot deny the awesome raw power that this drink brings to the table.  

7th Place: CRUNK Energy Drink

The CRUNK energy drink is one that has a number of functions including energy boosting and immune system support.  However, the fact that the makers of this drink decided to focus a lot on multiple aspects to the drink is really what pushed it down to 7th place in the rankings.  While it still provides a great energy boost with key ingredients like guarana and ginseng, it does not have the same energy boost that you would be seeing from the drinks that are ahead of it on our list of the best energy drinks around.  All of the top energy drinks are worth purchasing however, including this one.  What it does not have in raw energy boosting it makes up for in the promotion of health physiologies and a good immune system.  

8th Place: Verve Energy Drink

The Verve energy drink also has quite a bit going for it and that is why it has made it onto the 8th spot in our list of the top energy drinks.  It is basically a redo on an earlier energy drink created by the same company.  It essentially has many of the same ingredients as the early energy drink, but one or two new ones have been added in order to give it a bit more kick as it is on the way down.  Many people have loved this change and for that reason continue to purchase the Verve energy drink every single month.  It is certainly a great purchase from that point of view because it has the energy potential to really help you get a boost when you might need it the most during the day.  

9th Place: AMP Energy Drink

The AMP energy drink is another one with a hefty advertising campaign.  It is one of the few energy drinks that can count on regular play from many of the media outlets that run commercials.  However, it squeaks into the bottom of our list for the same reason that the Monster energy drink was ranked lower than many people would otherwise have done. It is a drink with a lot of marketing hype that does not live up to those high expectations when we take a closer look at what it does.  It would be a great secondary energy drink without the hype, but the hype sets people up for disappointment.  Take a closer look at our review of AMP to see exactly what you can expect to get from this drink.  

10th Place: Shark Energy Drink

Rounding out the list of top energy drinks is the Shark energy drink.  The one thing that you need to realize about this list is that the difference between number one and number ten in terms of effectiveness is actually not that great.  The shark energy drink, like the AMP energy drink located one spot above it, is a great energy drink that will definitely fulfill the energy boost function that all of these drinks are supposed to have.  At the same time though, this energy drink does not have the extra kick or the huge energy boost of some of the ones higher up on the list.  In the end, that is why it is placed 10th on our list of the best energy drinks around.  All of them are great buys, but the Shark energy drink does not have the raw power of the drinks occupying the top three slots on our list.

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